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تأكيد س‌ب‌كا در بهره‌گيري تشكل‌هاي ملي كارفرمايي از نتايج گزارش بانك جهاني در خصوص «راه‌اندازي كسب و كار»

دو شنبه 26 ژانويه 2015 بوسيله ى گروه‌ نويسندگان , سازمان بين‌المللي كارفرمايان — برگه اطلاعات,
گزارش سال 2015بانك جهاني در مورد «راه‌اندازي كسب و كار» مدتي قبل منتشر شد و مورد استقبال محافل كارفرمايي قرار گرفت به نحوي كه هم آقاي برنت ويلتون دبيركل سازمان بين‌المللي كارفرمايان در سفرش به تهران و در همايش نمايندگان تشكل‌هاي كارفرمايي و هم آقاي آرنوت دي كاستر، مدير دفتر فعاليت‌هاي كارفرمايي سازمان بين‌المللي كار در كارگاه (...)

Domestic workers' rights: Let's keep the momentum

دو شنبه 26 ژانويه 2015
Very few of the estimated 53 million domestic workers worldwide are covered by labour laws. In 2011, the ILO's Member States adopted the Domestic Workers' Convention (N°189) to protect their rights, promote equality of opportunity and treatment, and improve working and living conditions. (...)

Private sector services and the care economy, key engines of job creation

پنج شنبه 22 ژانويه 2015
ILO report points to accelerating job growth in private sector services over the next 5 years and an increasing demand for higher-skilled workers.

Azevêdo launches intensive process to agree Doha work programme

چهار شنبه 21 ژانويه 2015
At an open-ended meeting with all members today (21 January) – the first of 2015 – Director-General Roberto Azevêdo launched a new process of consultations with the aim of agreeing a work programme on the remaining Doha Development Agenda issues by July this year. This new deadline was set by (...)

Registration opens for public viewing of oral hearing in “US-COOL” appeal

چهار شنبه 21 ژانويه 2015
Following a request from Canada and the United States, two of the participants in the disputes “United States – Certain Country of Origin Labelling (COOL) Requirements – Recourse to Article 21.5 of the DSU by Canada and Mexico” (WT/DS384, WT/DS386), the Appellate Body Division in these appellate (...)

Chinese Taipei pledges USD 240,000 to support food safety, animal/plant health standards

چهار شنبه 21 ژانويه 2015
The Separate Customs Territory of Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen and Matsu (Chinese Taipei) has pledged to donate USD 80,000 (CHF 82,000) to the WTO Standards and Trade Development Facility (STDF) each year for 2014-2016. The objective of this fund is to help developing countries and least-developed (...)

دوره‌هاي منتخب برنامه‌ي حمايت اجتماعي، مديريت و سه‌جانبه‌گرايي

سه شنبه 20 ژانويه 2015 بوسيله ى دفتر فعاليت‌هاي كارفرمايي سازمان بين‌المللي كار — مركز بين‌المللي آموزش
خانم/آقاي گرامي؛ خرسنديم به استحضار برسانيم كه برنامه حمايت اجتماعي، مديريت و سه‌جانبه‌گرايي مركز بين‌المللي آموزش سازمان بين‌المللي كار (م‌.ب‌.ا/س.ب.ك) دوره‌هاي آموزشي زير را كه ممكن است براي سازمان شما جالب باشد، برگزار خواهد كرد: مهارت‌هاي مذاكره براي جهان كار تاريخ: 23 تا 27 مارس 2015 محل برگزاري مركز بين‌المللي آموزش، تورين، (...)

Unemployment on the rise over next five years as inequality persists

سه شنبه 20 ژانويه 2015
ILO report says sluggish jobs recovery and social instability are the result of greater inequality.

Employment trends across regions in 2015

سه شنبه 20 ژانويه 2015

The report in short: World Employment & Social Outlook Trends 2015

سه شنبه 20 ژانويه 2015 — MovingImage, Video
Ekkehard Ernst, Chief of the ILO's Job-friendly Macroeconomic Policies Team, discusses the main findings of the flagship ILO report: "World Employment & Social Outlook Trends 2015", including a forecast of global unemployment levels and the factors behind this trend, such as (...)

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