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كارگروه سياستگذاري سازمان بين‌المللي كارفرمايان در خصوص مهاجرت بين‌المللي نيروي كار: تحرك فرامرزي مهارت‌ها

دو شنبه 3 مارس 2014 بوسيله ى سازمان بين‌المللي كارفرمايان — بيانيه‌ها
سازمان بين‌المللي كارفرمايان (س.ب.كا) با صدور بيانيه‌اي در تاريخ 28 فوريه 2014 (جمعه 9 اسفند) از تشكيل كارگروه سياستگذاري اين سازمان در خصوص مهاجرت نيروي كار خبر داد. قرار است نخستين نشست اين كارگروه براي يكي از روزهاي ماه آوريل آينده قطعي شود. با تشكيل اين كارگروه سازمان بين‌المللي كارفرمايان به عنوان صداي بين‌المللي كارفرمايان در (...)

فراخوان دبيركل كعاصكا از كانون‌هاي سراسري و كانون‌هاي استاني و انجمن‌هاي سراسري براي شركت در انتخابات هيأت مديره كعاصكا

دو شنبه 3 مارس 2014 بوسيله ى مهندس محمد عطارديان دبيركل كانون عالي انجمن‌هاي صنفي كارفرمايي ايران — سخنگاه دبيركل
اعضاي محترم كانون عالي انجمن‌هاي كارفرمايي ايران! موضوع: يادآوري انتخابات هيأت مديره و هيأت بازرسان مورخ 20 / 12 / 1392 اين كانون عالي. پس از سلام، بدينوسيله يادآوري مي‌گردد، مجمع عمومي عادي بطور فوق‌العاده كانون عالي انجمن‌هاي صنفي كارفرمايي ايران از ساعت 16 روز سه شنبه 20 اسفند ماه 1392 با دستور كار و شرايط مندرج در آگهي پيوست (...)

Costa Rica launches safeguard investigation on pounded rice

پنج شنبه 27 فوريه 2014
On 27 February 2014, Costa Rica notified the WTO’s Committee on Safeguards that it initiated on 11 February 2014 a safeguard investigation on pounded rice.

Panels established at the request of Denmark and the United States

چهار شنبه 26 فوريه 2014
The Dispute Settlement Body, on 26 February 2014, established a panel at the request of Denmark, in respect of the Faroe Islands, to study the measures imposed by the European Union against the Faroe Islands. It also established, at the request of the United States, a compliance panel regarding (...)

Intellectual property body grapples with plain packaging, innovation, technology and more

سه شنبه 25 فوريه 2014
WTO members discussed a number of new and long-running issues such as plain packaging for tobacco products, measures related to biodiversity, innovation in green technologies, and the role of universities, when they met as the intellectual property council on 25–26 February 2014. But they failed (...)

Estonia donates EUR 20,000 to technical assistance for developing countries

دو شنبه 24 فوريه 2014
The government of Estonia has donated EUR 20,000 (CHF 24,400) to the WTO Doha Development Agenda Global Trust Fund for 2014. This donation will finance a wide range of trade-related technical assistance activities to help developing and least-developed countries (LDCs) to participate (...)

WTO announces call for papers for 2014 Essay Award for Young Economists

دو شنبه 24 فوريه 2014
The WTO invites young economists to submit papers for the 2014 WTO Essay Award for Young Economists by 1 June 2014. The Award aims to promote high-quality research on trade policy and international trade co-operation among young economists and to reinforce the relationship between the WTO and (...)

Azerbaijan accession negotiations gain momentum

جمعه 21 فوريه 2014
Technical work on Azerbaijan’s accession to the WTO “has gained positive momentum” said the Working Party Chairman Ambassador Walter Lewalter (Germany) at the 11th meeting of the Working Party on 21 February 2014.

India launches safeguard investigation on saturated fatty alcohols

چهار شنبه 19 فوريه 2014
On 19 February 2014, India notified the WTO’s Committee on Safeguards that it initiated on 13 February 2014 a safeguard investigation on saturated fatty alcohols.

Azevêdo’s health-check on global trade: Growth recovering but restrictions on the rise

دو شنبه 17 فوريه 2014
Director-General Roberto Azevêdo, in presenting his first global trade-monitoring report to WTO members on 17 February 2014, said that trade growth projections for this year are “much improved, hovering somewhere between 4.0% and 4.5%.” However, he said “407 new restrictive measures were reported (...)

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