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Chair reports on preparations for December Ministerial

جمعه 21 اكتبر 2011
The Chair, Ambr Yonov Frederick Agah, at an informal General Council meeting on 21 October 2011, stressed “a clear need to advance rapidly” in preparations for the Eighth WTO Ministerial Conference. He said that “we all want a Conference which, despite the current problems in the Round, will help (...)

WTO releases trade and tariff data for 2010

جمعه 21 اكتبر 2011
The WTO released on 21 October 2011 its annual package of trade and tariff data, giving the full picture of trade developments in 2010. This package includes the 2011 editions of its annual publications — International Trade Statistics, Trade Profiles and World Tariff Profiles — plus an update of (...)

چشم‌انداز بازنگري شده‌ي كارفرمايان نسبت به سازمان بين‌المللي كار: اولويت‌هاي سياسي (2)

پنج شنبه 20 اكتبر 2011 بوسيله ى گروه‌ نويسندگان , آنتونيو پنالوزا دبيركل سازمان بين‌المللي كارفرمايان , سازمان بين‌المللي كارفرمايان — بيانيه‌ها, ,
جناب آقاي آنتونيو پنالوزا دبيركل محترم سازمان بين‌المللي كارفرمايان طي نامه‌ي مورخ 4 اكتبر 2011 ( 12 مهر 1390) به كنفدراسيون‌هاي كارفرمايي عضو اين سازمان، «چشم‌انداز كارفرمايي نسبت به سازمان بين‌المللي كار(س.ب.ك)» را كه اخيراً بازنگري شده است، در اختيار كنفدراسيون‌هاي عضو قرار داد. برگردان فارسي بخش نخست اين سند مهم را همراه با (...)

DDG Jara says trade isolationism is not an option

چهار شنبه 19 اكتبر 2011
Deputy Director-General Alejandro Jara, in his keynote speech to the IDE-JETRO and WTO International Symposium on 19 October 2011 in Tokyo, said that one lesson of the Asian economic experience is that “autarky and isolationism are not a sustainable option…it was by opening their economies to (...)

SPS notifications hit 5 figures and committee wraps up China review

چهار شنبه 19 اكتبر 2011
Since the WTO was set up 16 years ago, governments have shared information with each other on over 10,000 measures that they have implemented on food safety and animal and plant health, the organization’s committee handling these issues learnt in its 19-20 October 2011 (...)

Trade Policy Review: Zimbabwe

چهار شنبه 19 اكتبر 2011
The second review of the trade policies and practices of Zimbabwe takes place on 19 and 21 October 2011. The basis for the review is a report by the WTO Secretariat and a report by the Government of Zimbabwe.

دعوت از اعضاء براي شركت در مجمع عمومي «كعاصكا» در شهر يزد

چهار شنبه 19 اكتبر 2011 بوسيله ى مهندس محمد عطارديان دبيركل كانون عالي انجمن‌هاي صنفي كارفرمايي ايران — 1. بخش‌نامه‌هاي كعاصاكا,
اعضاء محترم كانون عالي انجمن‌هاي صنفي كارفرمايي ايران! موضوع: برگزاري مجمع عمومي عادي به طور فوق‌العاده پس از سلام پيرو آگهي مندرج در صفحه‌ي 18 روزنامه اطلاعات روز دوشنبه 25 مهر 1390 به اطلاع مي‌رساند، مجمع عمومي عادي به طور فوق‌العاده كانون عالي انجمن‌هاي صنفي كارفرمايي ايران در تاريخ 19 آبان ماه سال جاري، بنا به دعوت آقاي دكتر محمد (...)

Lamy says today’s challenge is to manage change without conflict

سه شنبه 18 اكتبر 2011
Director-General Pascal Lamy, in a speech after being awarded an honorary doctorate degree by the Sichuan University in Chengdu, China on 18 October 2011, said that “the relative dynamism of emerging economies over the past several years has meant that these economies, many of them in Asia, have (...)

Chair says “time to close the deal” on government procurement

سه شنبه 18 اكتبر 2011
At the end of three days of intensive consultations among the parties to the plurilateral Government Procurement Agreement (GPA), the chairman of the GPA Committee, Nicholas Niggli, said on 18 October that important progress had been made on the objective of concluding the negotiations in time (...)

Items proposed for consideration at the next meeting of Dispute Settlement Body

دو شنبه 17 اكتبر 2011
The WTO Secretariat has circulated a meeting notice and list of items proposed for the next meeting, on 25 October 2011, of the Dispute Settlement Body, which consists of all WTO members and oversees legal disputes among them. The meeting notice is circulated in the form of a document (...)

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